首先,我承认我很无聊,花了一个上午时间把 Feedcat 中文版完成了。希望能给在 Feedcat 初次做 Feed 托管的中国朋友提供方便。
Feedcat 算是个简化版的 FeedBurner,提供了简单的 Feed 托管服务,虽然简化但功能也完全够用了,而且目前没有被封锁的危险(可能会有吧)。鉴于 FeedSky 这些日子以来收不明原因影响,我才找到了 Feedcat……不得已而为之。
向大家征求一下意见,在汉化过程中我把 Boost 译作了“助推”,虽然看起来比较费解,但是我实在找不到更好的描述了……
boost (bst)
v. boost·ed, boost·ing, boosts
v. tr.
To raise or lift by pushing up from behind or below. See Synonyms at lift.
To increase; raise: boost prices; efforts to boost participation in the program. To assist in further development or progress: a bill intended to boost local charities.
To stir up enthusiasm for; promote vigorously: boosted their school with rallies and fund drives.
Electricity. To increase the voltage of (a circuit).
Slang. To steal or rob, especially by shoplifting or pickpocketing.
v. intr.
Slang. To engage in stealing, especially shoplifting or pickpocketing.
A push upward or ahead.
An encouraging act or comment.
An increase: a big boost in salary.