对于看到 Vista 的体积就头疼的用户来说,SP2 带来的应该是个好消息,因为根据众多论坛用户的反馈,SP2 可以释放不少硬盘空间。
@ Sigit's comment --
Wow! I didn't notice that til now. I went from about 88GB free to 122GB free. That's a significant change "under the hood," isn't it?
Downloaded SP2 this morning, it took about 50 minutes with 1 reboot. ... Wow thanks Microsoft, my HDD went from 115GB of available space to 145GB. Plus my PC is really much faster now, I can bounce from web site to web site with no lag time at all - instant response. This was a SIGNIFICANT improvement to the OS.
InsoMo:看起来 Vista SP2 释放的空间量真的不小,估计是 WinSxS 这个有潜力的文件夹有了让步吧?当然,这些释放大量硬盘空间的用户都有着庞大的存储空间,可能是这个缘故才让效果非常明显。
Talk about freeing up drive space. Prior to the install I had 618GB of free space on my TB RAID. After the install I have 752GB of free space. that's 130G. What went? and where did it go?
All my stuff still appears to be here.
That's an odd duck for sure.
Edit: It appears to have fixed my USB keyboard issue where it was locking up after sleep. Works perfectly now. The backlight even stays on. So far, So good!
希望几周后推出的 wave1 能让全球的 Vista 用户都尝到甜头。