
Mail Beta 的一年

过去的一年,Mail Beta出现了好几款,包括微软Hotmail的Windows Live Mail Beta,还有Yahoo! Mail Beta

今天有幸启用了Hotmail的下一代产品Windows Live Mail Beta,感觉实在没什么好惊喜的,只是多了一个网页的拖放功能,据说还有实时拼写检查(这个功能对于我这个写中文邮件的没有帮助):

“I know what you're saying. Big deal, Microsoft Outlook already does that. Well, we're the first webmail service I know that does this on the web without installing any software!”
“虽然在Microsoft Outlook里面已经实现这个功能了,但是在web邮件服务中这却是首次!”
——摘自Windows Live Beta Blog

另外我在几周前也收到了Yahoo!送来的邮件,告诉我,Yahoo! Mail Beta也快到手了,让我激动一下。

Your Yahoo! Mail Beta is coming soon.

Thanks for your interest in the new Yahoo! Mail Beta. Your turn is coming soon.
We know you can't wait to get your hands on the new Yahoo! Mail and we're just as excited about delivering it to you. Right now we're working around-the-clock to make sure it's everything you expect and more.
So stay tuned for further word. In the meantime, there's no need to do anything. Your place in line is secure, and you'll get the green light as soon as possible.

Thanks again,
Yahoo! Mail Team


Windows Live Mail 漏洞出现:
首先登录你的 .Net Passport,而后进入这个网页,你就可以直接获得 Windows Live Mail,而无须任何微软官方的邀请!

2 条评论:

  1. wo 你的模板 蛮漂亮的 嘻嘻

  2. 一定。


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